Ibrahim Akbas from China!

 Hello everyone! 

I am Ibrahim Akbas from China Studies. I do conduct my PhD research on Chinese public diplomacy in the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC). As China rises in world politics, understanding how China talks with foreign audiences has become crucially important. I analyze China’s public diplomacy discourse on Islam and Muslims; and try to find out answers to how Muslim audiences interpret China’s messages. Today, diplomatic communication is a two-way road. Thus, perceptions of the foreign audiences are as important as the way a state talks to foreign publics.

Learning the unlearned through studying abroad has always been my great enthusiasm. During my bachelor years, I was an exchange student in Lomonosov Moscow State University. After graduating from International Relations in Ankara University, I started to Eurasian Studies MSc program in the Middle East Technical University (METU), as Eurasian politics was my main academic interest at those times. However, determining intellectual interests may take time. After a 1-year study at METU, I decided to continue my graduate studies in International Relations MSc in TOBB University of Economics and Technology (TOBB ETU). While holding a full-scholarship in TOBB ETU, I published my first journal article in Perceptions which is titled as “A “Cool’’ Approach to Japanese Foreign Policy: Linking Anime to International Relations.” Apparently, my scientific curiosity has shifted to East Asia. Then, I have started my PhD journey in the UNNC as a scholarship student of the Ministry of National Education of Turkey.

It is very tragic that COVID19 pandemic has taken many things from our lives. Many people lost their lives during this ongoing outbreak. It affected my academic life, as well. China closed its borders to overseas students while I am in Turkey for the winter break. Borders are still closed and I continue my education remotely. Being far from the university environment is sometimes compelling, because the university feeds the researchers in many ways as PhD students utilize them both physically and intellectually. However, this is a global disaster and as individuals we have to follow the instructions which aim to ensure the health and wellbeing of the global society. Therefore, I do my best to continue my education.

My main field of study is Chinese public diplomacy. As China goes global, Chinese government expanded investments on its international media. Now, China Global Television Network (CGTN) broadcasts in many languages around the world. In addition, it has a YouTube channel with around 2.5 million followers. Because YouTube is banned in China, this channel directly aims to communicate with foreign audiences. Hence, I conduct a discourse analysis by using videos which have “Islam” and/or “Muslim” keywords in their titles. Then, I aim to learn what Muslim students in China think about China’s messages. I believe that I will manage to make a contribution to the public diplomacy literature with my research.  

I feel quite excited for my future academic career in the Social Sciences University of Ankara.

With thanks and best wishes,

Ibrahim Akbas


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